The Nexus of Stellar Nomads (commonly known as the Channel) is an autonomous network of modified asteroids and space stations located in the neutral territory between the Ring Worlds and the Sundom of Eris. This decentralised waypoint serves as a crucial stopover for interstellar travellers, particularly members of Porters United.
The Channel comprises approximately 200 inhabited asteroids and 43 purpose-built stations, arranged in a roughly linear configuration spanning 0.8 astronomical units. Individual outposts range from makeshift refuelling posts to elaborate trading hubs, with most facilities employing spin-gravity systems to create artificial gravity environments of between 0.3 and 0.8 g.
Notable features include:
Operating without centralised authority, the Channel functions through an informal consortium of independent operators and service providers. This arrangement has resulted in a highly competitive marketplace where services, while often rudimentary, remain affordable and accessible to most spacefaring traffic.
The Channel's economy primarily revolves around providing essential services to long-haul space travellers, with particular emphasis on supporting Porter operations. A significant secondary economy exists in information trading and contract brokerage between various galactic factions.
The Channel has developed its own distinct subculture, characterised by a blend of pragmatic spacefaring traditions and nomadic customs. Regular visitors often refer to specific asteroids by colloquial nicknames rather than official designations, and many facilities maintain their own unique customs and rules of conduct.