The Church of the Sundom (𐑞 𐑗𐑼𐑮𐑗 𐑝 𐑞 𐑕𐑩𐑯𐑛𐑩𐑥) is the primary religious institution of the Tallisites, based on their devotion to the sun deity Eris. As the sun plays a vital role in the physical and cultural life of the Tallisite people, the Church of the Sundom occupies a significant place in their society.
In addition to overseeing worship services and maintaining religious buildings known as Solar Sanctuaries, the church is also responsible for observing important celestial events and determining the dates of various festivals and rituals throughout the year. Some of the most significant celebrations include the Brightest Day Feast and the Tidal Storm ceremonies, during which followers of the church gather together to perform rituals, give offerings, and seek guidance from Eris.
The clergy of the Church of the Sundom consists of individuals called Archons, who play a vital role in leading their communities in both spiritual and practical matters. They act as spiritual leaders, offering guidance and moral support to their devotees. Archons undergo rigorous training in Tallisite history, theology, and astronomy, and are chosen based on qualities such as wisdom, empathy, and devotion to Eris.
Although the impacts of Tallisite technological advancements and broader interstellar exposure have led to a gradual secularisation of society, the Church of the Sundom remains an important cultural and spiritual institution for many Tallisites. In recent years, the church has adapted its teachings to integrate modern scientific understanding, reaffirming its commitment to serve the Tallisite people in all aspects of their lives.