The Universe Fair is a biennial interstellar exposition held on the planet Hora that showcases technological, scientific, and cultural achievements from civilisations across known space. First established at the dawn of Universal Time (0-0000.00), the Fair has become the galaxy's premier event for diplomatic relations, technological exchange, and cultural celebration.
The inaugural Universe Fair coincided with the formal adoption of Universal Time, marking a pivotal moment in galactic cooperation. This first exposition, often referred to simply as "the Universe Fair" to distinguish it from the ongoing series, witnessed several watershed moments including the formal establishment of the World Unity and the accession of major powers including the Sundom of Eris and the Navareo Empire. Among its most significant technological debuts were silicon semiconductors, digital circuitry, and the HyperMetro extension network.
Each Universe Fair operates for precisely 50 days, with exhibition complexes constructed using biodegradable materials specifically engineered for temporary use. This architectural approach was chosen to showcase the event's commitment to Hora's ecological preservation. Once the Fair concludes, these structures are abandoned and naturally reclaimed by the planet's flora, leaving no permanent impact on the landscape. Each iteration of the Fair takes place at a different location on Hora, chosen through a rigorous selection process overseen by the World Unity's Department of Diplomacy and Cooperation.
The Fair has evolved into more than just an exhibition of technological advancement; it serves as a crucial platform for interstellar diplomacy and cultural exchange. Ld. Katherine Yalgeth notably described it as "the galaxy's greatest experiment in voluntary cooperation." The event regularly attracts delegations from all major civilisations and has been credited with facilitating numerous diplomatic breakthroughs, including the historic reconciliation between the Navareo Empire and the Varyn Confederacy in 37-2156 following a diplomatic incident.